A school uniform; promotes school identity and pride, minimises social pressures and is generally less expensive for parents.
Wearing our uniform correctly is important for our school tone because it shifts the emphasis from competition back to academic performance, personal achievement and mutual respect. These values are reflected in the school’s PRIDE values.
Students enrolled at Papanui High School agree to wear correct uniform to, from and at school and on all official school occasions.
If there is any doubt about uniform items, caregivers are advised to discuss concerns with the senior leader responsible for uniform prior to the purchase of any item.
Responsibility for interpretation of regulations lies with the senior leadership.
Regulation items can be purchased from Mainland Uniforms, online via Withers and Co or from the uniform section of The Warehouse Northlands. Items such as shorts and trousers need to be purchased from the suppliers above or the second hand uniform store.
The expectation is that students are presented in a neat and tidy manner and wearing items from the list below.