Kimi Ora

The Kimi Ora Department provides for rangatahi with an intellectual disability who are ORS funded. All students work on individual goals through an IEP - Individual Education Programme, which is created by the student, whānau, Therapists and Specialist Teachers. 

There is a strong emphasis on communication, functional life skills, relationships and self-care. Our programme provides ongoing development of independent living skills, transition and support through work experience opportunities and access to mainstream subject classes where appropriate. Our programme is creative and evolves with changing needs.

Our Department has four classrooms each with its own Specialist Teacher and teacher aides. Our students have access to the school library,  Te Whare, gymnasium, food and nutrition suite and other specialist subject rooms. All of our students access the Duke of Edinburgh award programme where they are able to work towards goals which include developing skills around cooking, physical recreation, volunteering in the community and taking an adventurous journey. 

The Kimi Ora Students are active participants in the life of Papanui High School. We are fully involved in school-wide events such as our Tira Days where all of our students belong to a Tira (house). Each year mainstream senior students participate as leaders in our school camp. Our department contributes to the Peer Support programme for all new year 9 students as they begin school. 

If you would like more information about the Kimi Ora Programme or would like to discuss enrolling your child please contact our Deputy Principal, Louisa Clissold to discuss. 352 6119 ext 536 or email [email protected] 

Follow this link if you would like more information about our Therapy Team from SUCCEED Therapy Collective